Our Programs

Language rich, enchanting environment. Leora Childcare & Kindergarten takes pride in partnering with parents during their children’s first experiences. We provide them with an outstanding infant program where our passion for nurturing and respecting our young ones is apparent. Our teachers extend both the trust and support needed for our infants to explore, learn and grow. Loving care and individualised attention are the cornerstone of our infant program. We have invested in the creation of beautifully appointed spaces for play where our educators have arranged safe, interactive environments for our infants.

Here at Leora Childcare & Kindergarten, your infant will not only receive an unparalleled amount of love, nurturing and individual attention, but they will also be surrounded with age-appropriate activities to maximise the development of important motor skills, sensory and thinking skills and language and social skills. Your infant will be immersed in Hebrew or Spanish, and teachers work with each child in a series of stimulating activities that incorporate the natural routines of feeding and play. The teachers reinforce the babies’ development without disrupting their daily schedule.
Our toddler children enjoy sensory play, art, music, science experiments, story time, block building, dramatic play, gardening and sport. They love to handle and manipulate natural objects such as branches, leaves, acorns, seashells, rocks, and flower petals. They are introduced to a class routine and structure at this age. Our Toddlers are supported throughout the day to learn self-help and independence skills, such as using the bathroom, dressing, and feeding themselves. Children are surrounded by interesting, relevant, and thought-provoking materials that spark creativity and prompt them to develop a vocabulary with which to communicate and ask questions.
Lower Kindergarten
"Beautiful minds inspire others”
Our lower kindergarten children are encouraged to make choices and give direction over their curriculum. We believe they are successful, competent and capable language learners. Encouraged to learn through experiences based on touching, moving, listening, observation and research. Children are respected as individuals and celebrated as they learn in their own unique way with the world around them.

We are proud to share our day with you with real-time photos, videos and updates anytime, anywhere. Leora Childcare & Kindergarten ensures that families enrolled feel as close to their children as possible during operating hours through a software platform.

We provide a variety of innovative, language immersion experiences for our little learners. Children spend their day immersed in rich vocabulary and academic curriculum where bilingual education materials are presented in a fun and engaging way. Our activity-based Reggio curriculum stimulates imagination and draws children into the learning process by becoming involved in a fun and engaging way. We combine a deep commitment to emotional intelligence, mindfulness, and happiness in a creative setting featuring language immersion, problem solving, leadership, and collaboration.
Upper Kindergarten
“Knowledge of languages is the doorway to wisdom”
At the centre of our program is a deep commitment to developing true proficiency in Hebrew or Spanish. A Reggio curriculum is fluid and organic and it emerges from the interests of children. In this year level, language skills expand rapidly as the children communicate in more complex compound sentences. Our curriculum in this class has a focus on written characters, correct stroke order, sentence writing, punctuation, and beginner reading. Multi-level learning is prominent in this class due to small group work and individual attention. With this magic combination, our language immersion students are achieving high levels of proficiency and aptitude in Hebrew and Spanish.

Children are full of curiosity and creativity, and in a Reggio inspired classroom, these qualities are consistently emphasised. A Reggio-inspired curriculum is always flexible and will change based on the children’s ideas, thoughts and observations. For this reason, teachers in a Reggio inspired classroom do not follow a specific or fixed curriculum. Instead, they create an evolving learning environment that empowers students’ curiosity, exploration, and response. Children can pursue topics that interest them, while educators can facilitate that learning. Each Reggio Emilia classroom has certified teachers who are trained to customise learning based on the children’s unique needs and interests.
Speciality teachers deliver additional programming such as art, music & movement, on a weekly basis.
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